White Outline Around BeReal Memories Meaning?

by Narendra

White Outline Around BeReal Memories Meaning? BeReal is an app for sharing photos that lets users share a real-life picture with their friends every day. The app has a special camera that lets users take a selfie and a photo of themselves from the front at the same time.

It also has a feature called “Discovery,” which lets users see what other people are doing nearby. If you look closely, you can see a thin line around each photo in Memories.

In this guide, we’ll explain what it means when a BeReal memory has a white border.

White Outline Around BeReal Memories Meaning?

When there is a white outline around a BeReal memory, it means that you posted that photo at the right time and were not late.

In BeReal Memories, you’ll see a white border around some photos, but not around others.

If the photo has a white border, it means that it was taken at the right time.

If there is no border around the photo, it means that you posted it late that day.

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