Where to Find Frost Bot World Boss in Tower of Fantasy

by Kirti Rajput

In our guide on where the Tower of Fantasy Frost Bot is and how to beat the world boss, we’ll talk about two important things about this enemy.

First of all, we’ll show you where to look for the Frost Bot, since it’s not easy to find. Then, because the boss is no joke, we’ll give you some tips on how to beat him. Here we go.

Where to Find Frost Bot World Boss in Tower of Fantasy

In the northwest of the map, you can find where the Tower of Fantasy Frost Bot world boss is and try to beat it. It is in the southwest corner of Navia Bay, to be exact.

In the picture below, we’ve marked where the boss is. It looks like a small island with a big, round metal plate in the middle. In the middle of this plate is a chest, but you can’t get to it until you fight and beat the Frost Bot.

That’s a lot easier to say than to do, though. In the next part, we’ll give you some tips on how to defeat this enemy.

How to Beat Frost Bot in Tower of Fantasy

Now that you know where the Frost Bot world boss is in Tower of Fantasy, you’ll need to work with other people to beat it. Why? Because the robot is a tough and hard-to-kill boss, and it seems like it’s not meant to be taken on by one person.

For one, it’s at level 35, so your whole team should be at least close to that level. If you don’t, you might be killing it for 45 minutes or more if you’re around level 25.

Also, make sure you have at least one character who can shoot. The Frost Bot can use both close-range and long-range attacks. But its freeze-spin skill is especially dangerous, and it’s hard to avoid it if you’re close enough to fight.

That’s why you need a character with a long range to keep doing damage even if it freezes the rest of your party.

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