Spotify Wrapped Slideshow Explained

by Rajitha Reddy

Spotify Wrapped Slideshow Explained: It’s that time of year again, and Spotify Wrapped has arrived. Here’s an explanation of the slideshow, including how to figure out how many minutes are in an hour.

The annual feature on the steaming giant shows you the songs you’ve played the most over the past year, whether they’re bangers or guilty pleasures.

You might be wondering what you can expect to see in your Spotify Wrapped slideshow for 2022. Everything you need to know is being broken down.

Spotify Wrapped Slideshow Explained

Your Spotify Wrapped slideshow shows all the songs, artists, podcasts, and other things you listened to in the year shown on the cards.

This year, there are also Listening Personality cards and Audio Day cards.

Your Listening Personality isn’t just about what you listened to, but also how that shows what kind of music you like. This year, the Wrapped feature shows off the 16 different types of Listening Personality that Spotify made for 2022 Wrapped.

Audio Day is an interactive story that shows how your taste in music changed over the course of a day.

Spotify Wrapped Minutes To Hours Conversion

One thing that Spotify Wrapped does is tell users how many minutes they’ve spent streaming music on the app.

You could do the math to figure out how many hours these minutes added up to, or you could go to a site like Calculator Soup that will do the work for you for free.

If you used Spotify for 19,380 minutes this year, you would have used it for 323 hours. This is just under two weeks of nonstop streaming, measured in days.

Spotify Wrapped 2022

With Spotify Wrapped, the 456 million people who use Spotify around the world who listen to music can now take a deep dive into their year.

Spotify keeps track of what users listened to from January to October. Songs listened to in November and December aren’t counted, so get your cringe songs in now.

This feature keeps track of not only the songs the user listens to, but also all of their listening habits, so they can learn about their “listening personality.”

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