Sims 4 werewolves cheats [New]

by Narendra

Here in this article we have include the sims 4 werewolves cheats that you can check out. Use these Sims 4 werewolf cheats to help you take over the night and gather a pack of monsters when the Moon is out.

There aren’t many werewolf cheats known right now, but as Sims 4 players learn more about the Werewolf Game Pack, they’re likely to find more. If you want to become a werewolf quickly so you can scare the town or hang out with other man-wolves at Moonwood Mill, we have all the Sims 4 werewolf cheats you need, as well as information on how to use cheats in The Sims 4.

List of cheats in The Sims 4 Werewolves

In Sims 4, you can use the traits to turn on the Werewolf trait. cheat with equip trait trait occultwerewolf. Use the traits to turn off the trait. cheat with remove trait trait occultwerewolf.

The first cheat will make your Sim a werewolf, and the second will take that trait away.

It takes a long time to turn into a werewolf. You have to get close to either Kristopher or Rory and then ask them for the Cursed Bite.

You can use cheats to skip this step and turn into a werewolf right away.

Use the Traits.Equip Trait Trait TraitName cheat to turn on certain werewolf traits. TraitName should be changed to the name of the trait you want to turn on.

Cheats to enable werewolf temperaments

Put the Temperaments to use. In The Sims 4 Werewolves, you can use the Equip_Temperament_Temperament TemperamentName command to turn on certain werewolf temperaments.

Change TemperamentName to the name of the temperament you want to turn on.

How To Unlock Cheat Codes

To cheat in The Sims 4, you need to open the “console window” by pressing a certain set of buttons and then type in a code. This will let you use cheats, and then you can go crazy. First, here’s how to turn cheats on and off for all platforms.

NOTE: When you press the cheat buttons on the console, a text window will pop up where you can enter codes.

Hold [Left Control + Shift] and press [C] on a PC to open the cheat console.
Hold [Command] + [Shift] and press [C] on a Mac.
Xbox One/Series X/Series S: Hold [All 4 Directional Buttons].
PS4 and PS5: Press and hold [all four direction buttons].

sims 4 werewolves cheats

  • traits.equip_trait trait_occultwerewolf – Turn your Sim into a Werewolf.
  • traits.remove_trait trait_occultwerewolf – Change your Sim from werewolf to human.

Download complete sims 4 werewolves cheats from here

Sims 4 werewolves Cheats

CheatWhat it Does
testingcheats onEnables testing cheats in The Sims 4
kachingMoney cheat that gives the family $1000
motherlodeGives the family $50,000 Simoleans
resetsim firstname lastnameResets a stuck Sim.
death.toggle true/falseDisables death
headlineeffects on/offEnables or disables headline effects (good for screenshots).
freerealestate on/offMakes homes free when typed while shopping for a house.
household.autopay_bills true/falseEnable or disable bills for the household
fps on/offDisplay the game’s frames per second, useful when tuning graphics settings.
hovereffects on/offDisable hover effect when you mouse-over a Sim
fullscreenToggle fullscreen/windowed mode
bb.showliveeditobjectsReleased in the July 2019 Cas Story Mode Patch. You must first use TestingCheats on then bb.ShowHiddenObjects and finally bb.ShowLiveEditObjects for this cheat to work! Disable with bb.ShowLiveEditObjects False.
bb.moveobjectsAllows you to move objects anywhere you want, good for building. Use the 9 and 0 keys to adjust the item you’re ‘holding’.
bb.showhiddenobjectsThe old buydebug cheat – lets you buy many hidden objects.
bb.enablefreebuildBuild anywhere, even on locked lots.
bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlementIgnore Gameplay Unlocks Entitlement – lets you buy items locked by careers.
How do you become a werewolf Sims 4?

Request that a werewolf bite you.
You will be attacked by a werewolf.
Born to parents who are werewolves.
Create a werewolf from the ground up using Create-a-Sim (CAS)
Modify the Sim using cheats.

How to make Sim werewolf?

A Sim can obtain werewolf abilities by receiving the Werewolf Curse from a werewolf, but they must have a positive relationship in order for this to occur. The werewolf will bite the Sim in two days, transforming him or her into a werewolf.

Can you be a fairy in Sims 4?

To do so, navigate to Create a Sim and select the “Fairy” lifestyle trait. You can also become a fairy by pleading the fairy’s tree – a new object included with this mod – for a fairy’s blessing.

Can kids use magic in Sims 4?

Spellcasters can be Sims of any age, but young Spellcasters won’t be able to access their abilities until they reach puberty. Children of Spellcasters are born with a special trait, Magical Bloodline, that will enhance their magical abilities as they age.

How do I enable cheats in Sims 4?

To enable cheats in The Sims 4, open the cheat console in-game by pressing Ctrl + Shift + C. Enter the desired cheat codes into the field that appears and press enter. For “shift click” cheats, you must first enter “testingCheats [true/false]” into the cheat menu.

What is the best cheat for Sims 4?

Enter the following cheat codes in the cheat console to earn money instantly: rosebud – 1,000 simoleons. kaching – 1,000 simoleons. The mother lode is 50,000 simons.

What is The Sims 4 cheat to unlock everything?

Enter ” testingcheats true ” to activate cheats. To unlock all game objects, enter ” bb. ignoregameplayunlockentitlement ” followed by a space.

When did Sims 5 release?

The Sims 5 has yet to be given an official release date, but it could be as soon as 2022. EA hinted that the next game was in development in 2020, implying that it has been in some form of development for at least two years. While a release in 2022 is a long shot, it isn’t completely out of the question.

Why did Sims 4 Remove open world

The decision to not have an open world in The Sims 4 was primarily motivated by computer optimization, similar to the color wheel. EA’s goal was to make The Sims 4 play well for the majority, if not all, players, which The Sims 3 was incapable of doing.

Is Sims 4 OK for a 7 year old?

You could go to a bar and get something to drink, but young children would be confused. I’m the Sims 4, and you can be creative by building houses and creating your own sims. Overall, this game is very family friendly, and I recommend it to both children and adults.

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