NP-37521-8 on PS4 or PS5? Solved

by Narendra

Error NP-37521-8 on PS4 or PS5: If you want to use the Playstation Network on your PS4 or PS5, but you get an np-37521-8 error message, you need to fix it.

The Playstation Network is a place where Playstation consoles can connect to the Internet. It lets you play games online, get digital copies of games, store files in the cloud, and more. Call of Duty, Gran Turismo Sport, and even NBA 2K, which are all multiplayer games, use PSN a lot.

Now, you’re probably trying to play online with your friends, but an np-37521-8 error code is getting in the way.

Most of the time, this error code happens when the servers for Playstation Network are being worked on.

But the np-37521-8 error could also be caused by other things, like slow network connections, corrupted files, or old software.

We’ve put together a guide to help you fix the np-37521-8 error code on your PS4 or PS5.

Start up the console and router from scratch

If there is a temporary problem with how the PS console and Sony servers talk to each other, the data packets may not be parsed correctly on the console or its servers. This could cause the np-37521-8 error. In this case, you might be able to get rid of the np-37521-8 error by giving the PS console and router a cold restart.

  1. Put the console and router to sleep.
  2. Then, unplug both the console and the router from their power sources and remove all the networking cables from the router.
  3. Now wait 5 minutes, and then plug the Internet cable back into the router.
  4. Then connect the LAN cable to the console again (if LAN connection is used on the console).
  5. Now plug the router’s power cord back in and turn it on.
  6. Once the router is turned on properly, turn on the PlayStation and see if the np-37521-8 error is gone.

Change the PlayStation’s DNS settings

If the network’s DNS servers can’t translate the web addresses of the Sony servers quickly enough, the np-37521-8 error code could happen. In this case, changing the PlayStation’s DNS settings might fix the error np-37521-8.

Open Network from the PlayStation Settings menu

  1. Now click Setup Internet Connection and choose LAN or Wi-Fi for the type of connection.
  2. Then go to Custom and set the IP Address field to Automatic.
  3. Now, choose “Do Not Specify” for the DHCP Host Name field and “Manual” for the DNS field.
  4. Then choose how to set the following DNS values:
  5. Now set MTU Settings to Automatic and Proxy Server to Do Not Use.
  6. Then, click Test Internet Connection. After the test is done, check to see if the error np-37521-8 is gone.

Check the servers of Playstation Network

When you get the np-37521-8 error code on your PS4 or PS5, the first thing you should do is check the status of PSN. Sony’s team does maintenance on their servers from time to time to make sure everything is running smoothly on their end.

You can check the status of PSN’s servers by going to the status page for Playstation.

If PSN’s services aren’t working right now, all you can do is wait until their team fixes the problem.

On the other hand, if there’s nothing wrong with PSN’s servers, you can try the rest of the methods below.

Restart Your PS4 or PS5

The first time you turn on your Playstation, it might not have been set up right. The np-37521-8 error code means that some of the system files for PSN may not be working. To fix this, restart your console to reload all of its resources.

Check out the steps below if you own a Playstation 4 and need to restart it:

  1. To get to the Quick Menu, while on the main screen, press and hold the PS button on your controller.
  2. After that, go to the tab called “Power.”
  3. Click on Restart PS4 to finish.

Here’s how to restart your PS5:

  1. To get to the Quick Menu, press the PS button on your controller.
  2. Now, click on the option to Restart PS5.
  3. Last, to move forward, press the O or X button on your controller.

After you have turned off and on your PS4 or PS5, go back to PSN to see if the problem is fixed.

Sign into your PSN account again

If you keep getting the np-37521-8 error code on your PS4 or PS5, you can also try refreshing your PSN account data. When the servers went down unexpectedly, your user data may have been messed up.

Follow the steps below to sign out of your PSN account on a Playstation 4:

  1. First, go to your console’s Settings page.
  2. After that, go to the tab called “Account Management.”
  3. Last, click the Sign Out button and do what it says on the screen.

Follow these steps to sign out of your PS5 account:

  1. Use the D-Pad to get to the Settings page from the main screen.
  2. Now, go to User Accounts and click on Other.
  3. Lastly, choose Sign Out to sign out of your PSN account.

If you want to reset your user data, you must wait at least 5 minutes after signing out of your account before signing back in. After that, go back to PSN to see if the problem is fixed.

Update Your PS4 or PS5

Your PS4’s software version might be out of date and not supported by Playstation’s servers anymore. The PS5 software you are using may have a problem with the services and features of PSN.

To fix this, try updating your Playstation to the most recent version so that bugs and other problems can be fixed.

Check out the steps below if you own a PS4 and want to update it:

  1. First, go to your Playstation’s Settings menu.
  2. Then, open the tab for System Software Update.
  3. Last, click on Update Now and follow the instructions to install the latest software for your Playstation 4.

Here’s what you need to do if you have a PS5:

  1. Go to the Settings menu on your device and open the System tab.
  2. Now, click on System Software and go to the System Software Update and Settings tab.
  3. The last step is to click on Update System Software and then choose Update Using Internet.

Once your console has been updated, go back to PSN to see if your PS4 or PS5 still gets the np-37521-8 error code.

Report the Problem to PSN

If none of the above solutions worked, the problem might be with PSN, even if it’s not listed on their website.

In this case, we suggest that you go to Playstation’s official website and talk to their customer service about the error message you’ve been getting when you try to access the Playstation Network.

This is the end of our guide on how to fix the PS4 or PS5 np-37521-8 error code. Please let us know in the comments if you have any questions or other concerns, and we’ll do our best to help.

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