Several users have been reporting that screencast o Matic on mac is running in the background where it consumes a lot more space, besides users are frustrated that screencast o Matic runs automatically on startup plus sometimes it froze in the background, All these issues of using screencast o Matic slow down the mac for running in best performance. Other mac software and working affect due to high CPU usages of this screencast o Matic software.
So if you’re also frustrated with this screen recording software screencast o Matic and want to know how to uninstall screencast o Matic on Mac then you’re in the right place. Below we have lined up the step-by-step way to uninstall this software from mac. So no further ado let’s begin.
Uninstall Screencast-O-Matic app from Mac
Follow the below steps to remove screencast o Matic app on Mac.
Step: 1 Hit command + N to open finder window where from the sidebar click on application option.
In case application option is not visible then go to the finder >> preferences >> click the sidebar tab and see application option is enabled or not.
Step: 2 Now after opening application option here you’ll see several application which is on your mac, here find out the screen o Matic app or screencast o Matic v2.0.
Step: 3 Now to delete screen o Matic app right-click on that app and select move to trash.
Note: In case screen o matic v2.0 is not showing in your application option then open launchpad by pressing F4 and search for screencast o matic v2.0 or screen o matic.
Now as you find that app then drags it to the trash. If still having a problem then run that application which now appears in dock. Right-click on that icon select option and click on show in finder. Then from finder, you can move it to trash.
Delete screencast o matic v2.0 folder
To completely delete screencast-o-matic v2.0 you have to delete the app folder to do follow the below steps carefully.
Step: 1 Open finder from the top menu bar click on the go option.
Step: 2 Now you’ll see library option click on that.
Step: 3 Now look for screencast-o-matic-v2
Step: 4 Right-click on that folder and move to trash. That’s it. now you have completely removed the screencast-o-matic-v2 from your MAC PC.
Just like these steps you can uninstall any application that affects the performance of your mac. For more updates follow us.
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