How to Learn Ancient Hyrulean Text in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom

by Anchal Thakur

How to Learn Ancient Hyrulean Text in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom: If you’ve been playing Zelda Tears of the Kingdom and come across Tablet in Ancient Hyrulean, you might have wondered how to decipher its mysterious text.

Similar to any foreign language, learning Ancient Hyrulean is the key to unlocking the secrets hidden within these tablets. In this guide, we will walk you through the process of learning Ancient Hyrulean text in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom, so you can delve deeper into the game’s lore and uncover its hidden treasures.

What is Ancient Hyrulean Text?

Ancient Hyrulean text is a form of writing that holds great significance in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom. When you stumble upon a Tablet in Ancient Hyrulean, the game informs you that it is etched with this ancient text, but it also tells you that you cannot read it. This creates a sense of intrigue and curiosity, compelling players to seek a way to decipher its meaning.

The Challenge of Reading Ancient Hyrulean Text

Reading Ancient Hyrulean text poses a challenge for players. The game tantalizes you with tablets containing cryptic messages, but it provides no immediate explanation of how to read them.

This leaves you wondering if these tablets serve merely as decorative elements or if there is a genuine opportunity to learn Ancient Hyrulean. The good news is that reading Ancient Hyrulean text is indeed possible, but it requires completing specific quests.

How to Learn Ancient Hyrulean Text

To embark on your journey to learn Ancient Hyrulean text, you must first complete at least two of the four domain/race questlines available in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom.

These questlines correspond to Zora’s Domain, Goron City, Rito Village, and Gerudo Town. By engaging in the main quests of these domains and races, you will gain valuable insights and knowledge necessary for your ultimate goal.

Once you have achieved progress in two of the four questlines, return to the Lookout Landing area. Here, you will encounter an NPC named Wortsworth. Initiate a conversation with Wortsworth, and a quest will be triggered, setting you on the path to learning Ancient Hyrulean text in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom.

Completing the Domain/Race Questlines

The domain/race questlines are integral to unlocking the ability to read Ancient Hyrulean text. Each domain or race has its own set of quests and unique stories.

By immersing yourself in the rich narratives of Zora’s Domain, Goron City, Rito Village, and Gerudo Town, you will gain a deeper understanding of the game’s world and lore. Completing two of these questlines signifies your readiness to embark on the next stage of your journey.

Meeting Wortsworth and the Quest Trigger

Upon reaching the Lookout Landing, seek out Wortsworth, the NPC who holds the key to unraveling Ancient Hyrulean text. Engage in a conversation with Wortsworth, and he will recognize your progress and initiate a quest specifically designed to teach you how to read this ancient language. Wortsworth’s wisdom and guidance will be instrumental in your journey towards unlocking the secrets concealed within the Tablet in Ancient Hyrulean.

The Quest to Read Ancient Hyrulean Text

The quest triggered by Wortsworth’s guidance serves as the final step in learning Ancient Hyrulean text. Embark on a thrilling adventure as you undertake tasks, solve puzzles, and face challenges, all while gaining invaluable knowledge of the language. This quest offers a rewarding and immersive experience that deepens your connection to the world of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom.


In the vast realm of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom, the ability to read Ancient Hyrulean text is a gateway to untold stories and hidden wisdom. By completing domain/race questlines and engaging with Wortsworth’s quest, you will acquire the necessary skills to decipher the enigmatic language. The journey to learn Ancient Hyrulean text is not only a quest for knowledge but also an opportunity to fully immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom.

Unlock the secrets of the past, reveal long-lost tales, and master the art of reading Ancient Hyrulean text. Let your curiosity guide you as you embark on this extraordinary linguistic adventure!


1. Can I learn Ancient Hyrulean text without completing any questlines? No, in order to learn Ancient Hyrulean text, you must complete at least two of the four domain/race questlines.

2. Are there any prerequisites before meeting Wortsworth? Yes, you need to complete two out of the four domain/race questlines before you can trigger the quest with Wortsworth.

3. Will learning Ancient Hyrulean text unlock additional gameplay features? While learning Ancient Hyrulean text itself won’t unlock new gameplay features, it will enable you to understand the messages on tablets, uncovering hidden secrets and enriching your overall gaming experience.

4. Can I learn Ancient Hyrulean text in a specific order of domain/race questlines? Yes, you have the flexibility to complete any two domain/race questlines in the order of your choice before meeting Wortsworth.

5. How long does it take to complete the quest to read Ancient Hyrulean text? The duration of the quest may vary depending on your play style and progression. However, it offers an immersive and rewarding experience that is worth the effort.

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