Best Things To Ask Chat Gpt : New

by Narendra

Best Things To Ask Chat Gpt: Are you familiar with ChatGPT? It’s a powerful and flexible tool for working with language that can do some pretty cool things. ChatGPT can be used for a lot of different things, like talking to a virtual assistant or making text based on a question.

We’ll talk about some of the cool things you can do with ChatGPT and how it can help you and your business in this article. We’re sure that this AI-powered conversational bot will impress you, whether you’re a new user or an old pro. So let’s start using ChatGPT and find out what cool things you can do with it.

Best Things To Ask Chat Gpt

You can tell the ChatGPT AI bot to do a lot of different things. From fun things like getting ideas for decorating, planning a party, and more to more useful things like helping you fix bugs in your code or even writing code for you,

ChatGPT has a lot to offer. In fact, ChatGPT wrote the beginning of this article, and it’s pretty good. So, let’s take a look at some of ChatGPT’s cool features that make it stand out.

ChatGPT can be used as a Linux terminal

You can make OpenAI ChatGPT act like a fully functional Linux terminal, which might be one of the coolest things it can do. You can even use Linux commands, make files and directories, and do a lot more. You can even write, compile, and run code right in the terminal if you want to.

To turn on the terminal, you have to write the following text in the chatbox (thanks to Jonas Degrave):

Debug Code

If you’re a programmer, ChatGPT can help you find bugs in your code and even find security holes. Basically, if you ask ChatGPT to look for bugs in a piece of code, it will not only do so, but it will also tell you what the bug is and give you an example (or more) of how you might fix it.

Write Code

ChatGPT’s features can help you whether you’re a programmer or just trying to learn. If you need help writing the code for a certain problem, you can just ask the AI chatbot to do it for you. You can even tell it to write the code in a certain programming language, and it will do it for you.

I asked ChatGPT to write the Python code for a tic-tac-toe game that could be played on a terminal so I could test it. I then saved the code as a.python file on my computer and ran it in the Terminal. It worked perfectly.

You can play Tic-Tac-Toe

If you’re feeling a little more daring, you can play the Tic Tac Toe game that ChatGPT just wrote the code for right in the chat room. To do this, you’ll need to put together a few things:

Change ChatGPT so that it acts like a Linux terminal

Ask it to write the Python code for a tic-tac-toe game that can be played on a terminal and save it in a file. You can give the file any name you want. I chose “”

Tell Me About It

ChatGPT is also a good way to find out about new things. For example, if you ask the AI chatbot to explain the IPV6 header, it will do so in the right way. Basically, if you don’t understand something, you can just ask ChatGPT to explain it.

Explain Like I am 5

If you want to learn about something more complicated, you can even ask ChatGPT to explain it in simple terms. Just add “explain like I’m 5” to your question, and the chatbot will do it. I asked it to explain wormholes as if I were 5 years old.

Explain in a certain way

You can even ask ChatGPT to explain things to you in a certain way if you just want to have some fun. For example, you can ask it to explain the HTTPS stack like a cowboy from an old western, and the results are hilarious.

Find ideas for AI art, party themes, and decorations

Give ChatGPT a try the next time you can’t come up with a party theme or just need some ideas for your next home improvement project. Just tell it to come up with party ideas, and it will. For instance, I asked ChatGPT to come up with some party ideas for a 29-year-birthday, old’s and this is what it came up with.

With ChatGPT, you can get answers to your homework and assignment questions

Another good thing about ChatGTP is that it can help you figure out how to do your homework and assignments. ChatGTP can easily help you with your homework, whether you’re in school or at college. Here is an example of me asking ChatGPT to explain the IPV4 header.

You can write music with ChatGPT

This is probably the one I can use the most. I like to write my own songs and put them together, but ChatGPT makes this almost too easy. You can ask the chatbot to write a song about anything, and it will do so quickly and in a pretty good way. You can even tell it to come up with the chords that go with the music.

Use ChatGPT if you want to translate

This one is more cool and clever than it is useful. You can easily translate text from one language to another using ChatGPT. It works with a lot of different languages. But you would probably just use Google Translate or Apple Translate to do this instead, so it’s not the most useful feature.

Get Information from Text

You can also get data from text with ChatGPT. You only need to give the chatbot the text and tell it what kind of data to pull out and in what format.

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