Best Arrow Fuse Combinations in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom

by Kirti Rajput

Best Arrow Fuse Combinations in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom: In the world of Zelda games, the Bow and Arrow have always been a staple in Link’s arsenal of weapons.

However, in the latest installment, Breath of the Wild, the mechanics of the Bow and Arrow have reached new heights. One of the exciting features introduced in this game is the ability to attach various materials to arrows using the Fuse ability.

This opens up a whole new realm of possibilities for players to experiment with.

In this article, we will explore some of the best Arrow Fuse combinations in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom that can enhance your gameplay and help you overcome challenging situations.

Best Items to Fuse With Arrows in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom

Arrow + Elemental Fruits

Attaching elemental fruits such as fire, ice, splash, or shock to your arrows can provide instant elemental damage. This combination is particularly effective against enemies with elemental vulnerabilities. It allows you to deal extra damage and exploit the weaknesses of your foes.

Arrow + Ruby/Topaz/Opal/Sapphire (any precious stone)

Fuse your arrows with precious stones like Ruby, Topaz, Opal, or Sapphire to unleash powerful elemental area-of-effect (AOE) damage. This combination is great for taking down groups of enemies or dealing heavy damage to larger foes.

Arrow + Brightbloom Seed

When exploring the dark Depths, attaching a Brightbloom Seed to your arrows can illuminate your path. This combination is incredibly useful for navigating through dark areas, ensuring you don’t miss any important details or hidden treasures.

Arrow + Puffshroom

Looking for a stealthy approach? Attach a Puffshroom to your arrows to create an instant smoke grenade. This combination allows you to obscure the vision of enemies, providing you with an advantage in executing stealthy takedowns or making a swift escape.

Arrow + Dazzlefruit

The Dazzlefruit is an excellent tool for disorienting enemies. By attaching it to your arrows, you can blind opponents temporarily, giving you a chance to launch a surprise attack or create a distraction. Use this combination strategically to gain the upper hand in combat.

Arrow + Keese Wings

Keese Wings, the bat wings found in the game, can significantly increase the range of your arrows. By fusing Keese Wings with your arrows, you can make them fly further, allowing you to hit targets that are at a greater distance.

Arrow + Keese Eyeball

For those pesky fast-moving enemies that are hard to hit, the Arrow + Keese Eyeball combination comes to the rescue. This combination creates a homing arrow that automatically tracks its target. It’s an ideal choice when you’re facing agile opponents and can’t spare the time to aim precisely.

Arrow + Bomb Flower

If you’re in need of explosive damage, consider fusing your arrows with Bomb Flowers. This combination delivers a powerful explosion upon impact, dealing significant damage to enemies and the surrounding area. Just be cautious and shoot the arrows quickly, as Bomb Flowers explode rapidly.

Remember, these are just a few examples of the exciting Arrow Fuse combinations available in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom. Don’t be afraid to experiment and discover new combinations that suit your playstyle. The game offers a wide range of materials that can be attached to arrows, each with its unique properties and benefits. Whether you’re looking to maximize damage or create advantageous conditions for stealth, arrow fusing provides endless possibilities.

So, grab your bow, gather materials, and embark on an adventure filled with arrow fusing experimentation. And don’t forget to utilize the slowdown mode when shooting arrows for those few extra seconds to aim precisely. Enjoy the journey and make the most of the Fuse ability in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom!


In Zelda Tears of the Kingdom, the Fuse ability revolutionizes the way we use arrows by allowing us to attach various materials to them. The best Arrow Fuse combinations can enhance your gameplay experience, providing you with new strategies to overcome challenges.

By experimenting with different materials, you can create arrows with elemental damage, AOE effects, smoke screens, blinding capabilities, extended range, homing properties, and explosive power. Embrace the freedom to combine materials and unleash your creativity to find unique and powerful combinations. Take advantage of the Fuse ability and enjoy the journey of discovery in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Can I combine multiple materials on a single arrow?
No, in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom, you can only attach one material to an arrow at a time. However, you can switch between different types of arrows with different materials attached as per your needs.

2. Are there any limitations to the Fuse ability?
The Fuse ability has certain limitations. Not all materials can be attached to arrows, and some combinations may not produce the desired effects. Additionally, the availability of certain materials may be limited, requiring you to explore the game world to acquire them.

3. Can I craft arrows with the Fuse ability?
No, the Fuse ability is specifically designed for attaching materials to arrows that are already crafted or obtained in the game. You cannot use the Fuse ability to create arrows from scratch.

4. How do I obtain the materials needed for arrow fusing?
Materials for arrow fusing can be found throughout the game world. Explore different areas, defeat enemies, complete quests, and interact with the environment to discover various materials that can be attached to arrows.

5. Are there any other special arrow combinations in the game?
Yes, Zelda Tears of the Kingdom offers a vast array of materials that can be attached to arrows. The examples mentioned in this article are just a glimpse of the possibilities. Keep exploring and experimenting to uncover more exciting and powerful arrow combinations in the game.

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